Thursday, February 14, 2008

Scarface (1983)

The First movie that we saw was scarface, directed by Brian De Palma. What can I say, this movie has everything that a good movie is made out of. Theres a lot of violence, and drugs and sex and stuff. But its intelligently put into the film, like De Palma doesn't just throw in a sex scene to make the movie better, its a necessary scene to have. The only thing that I could find wrong with this movie, is that it does get a bit long at some parts..When De Palma is trying to build suspense but its well worth it to wait what happens next in the movie. My favorite scene is this movie is by far the scene when Tony Montana (Al Pacino) is enraged by the death of his wife, and he just sticks his face in a pile of coke, then all the escorts of this guy get there, and he starts going crazy on them. Its where the famous catch phrase comes from. "Say hello to my little friend" thats just good stuff right..

The scene im choosing to analyze is the very last scene when Tony is killed. The reason im choosing this scene, is because, its basically what hes dream was, to be on top of the world like his little globe thing said. "the world is yours" then theres a high angle shot of Tony falling fountain, which shows that he was still the top dog, cause even thought hes dead, no one had done so much like him.
Either way this is a great film, everyone should watch it!

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