Thursday, May 29, 2008

Writting Assingment on The Royal Tenenbaums..

For this movie comparison blog, I decided to watch The Royal Tenenbaums (Wes Anderson 2001) Wes Anderson has a pretty short range in movies. Some of the things that I've noticed in the 2 films we watched in class, Rushmore (Wes Anderson 1998) and Bottle Rocket (Wes Anderson 1996) and the one I watch outside of class, is that Wes Anderson tends to use some of the same actors, which 1 makes the movies that much better, cause we see how the actors change in character, and also because they are good actors. So anyway, Wes has a way of making serious moments in movies be funny, and at the same time happy. Like you always feel like no matter whats going on in the scene, its a warm environment. In The Royal Tenenbaums dies when Royal Tenenbaum at the end, everyone goes to the funeral, and yet no one seems that sad really, like they aren't happy he died, but they just seem like they are glad they got to meet him and everything. Its sort of the same with Rushmore Max finds out a way to make everything right at the end, and it makes it a happy ending, even thought through out the movie things don't exactly always go his way. Another trait that Wes Anderson uses a lot, is the unrestricted narration, cause we always sort of know, or atleast can predict what is going to happen next. In Bottle Rocket we get this feel with the different camera angles used in a specific shot, when we see Dignan go back to get AppleJack, there is a zoom on his face that shows him being confident in himself, yet he still knows what is going to happen once he goes back in there. Its sort of the same with Rushmore we see Herman Blume (Bill Murray) is sort of trying to get Max to forget about Miss Cross, but we know that its just so he can go an mack on her himself. We can also see that Max will change into a better person, when he gets sent of to the other school, the change in environment and people hes around, makes him into a better person. But in all Kumar, was for sure the funniest guy in all three movies, in Bottle Rocket he just says hilarious stuff, in the scene when they are robbing the warehouse, he goes " who is that man" referring to appleJack, which is kind of funny because they are supposed to know each other very well. In Rushmore hes kind of just chillin there, i think he was like a grounds keeper in rushmore academy. But finally in The Royal Tenenbaums, he has an astonishing performance, hes helping out Royal Tenenbaums, working sort of as a spy for him, and his doing all these crazy things, then Royal tells a story of how he got stabbed, and how Kumar saved his life, and then he's asked who stabbed him, and he goes "he did" referring to Kumar, i thought it hilarious.

Monday, May 5, 2008

No Country For Old Men

Before i say anything else, i just want to say that out of all the movies we have seen in class, No Country was probably the best one. Not only because of the violence and actions scenes, but because it was just a good movie. You have Anton Chigurh the cold blooded killer who just does what he wants, the typical greedy guy, who is also the "hero" named Moss, and the sheriff. This movie reminds me a lot of War by Philip G. Atwell, it has sort of the same cold blooded killer, type of deal, played by Jet Li, and then the good guy/cop played by Jason Statham.. This movies are both the same in the fact that theres killings all the time, and there scenes where it just gets nasty. like one where Jet li sticks a bomb on a dog, then sends him into a room to blow up its owners, it was pretty tight, and nasty at the same time.. but in any case, theres sort of the same plot, but its more of Jason's character getting revenge on a fellow cop lost/killed by Jet li's character, so its a whole struggle with that, and the yakuza and triads..