Monday, October 8, 2007

Too Tough to Die (reading)

The little article we read on friday was about western movies, and how they've been around for a long time and the way that they are improved each time they are made. Talks about the 3:10 to Yuma, which was originally from 1957, but has been remade into a newer version, and different actors. Talks about cinematography in westerns, and about the cowboy hero.
Basically just saying how great western movies are and that they will continue to carry the American history.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Beat The Devil #2

Well where to begin...
I decided to do Beat The Devil. A film from 1953 directed by John Huston. To tell the truth there are too many genres that this clip fits. Like theres some comedy ( they do a few jokes that i didn't really get, but i guess they were funny at the time) Like this Jack Ross fellow,(Ivor Bernard ) he says some funny things, in the scene when Billy Dannreuther buys him a drink. He goes on into this little speech about how women should be in the kitchen with the babies. Yea weird little guy..
Then i guess Billy insults him and he wants to fight him, but then someone calls the bar asking form him. I thought it was a pretty funny scene. The argument started because Billy wanted to toast to women, and so Jack got into his little speech about keeping women in their place.. Theres some drama also, and a bit of romance between the couples.. Billy and Gwendolen Chelm (Jennifer Jones) which i think was pretty weird cause Gwendolen is married to Harry Chem (Edward Underdown) and she was flirting with another man, hmm interesting.. And Billy is married too! what the hell is wrong with these people, hitting on other people that are already married, i guess thats how it worked back then.. Anyways plot, yes the plot, um well its hard to say i didn't know what the plot was for the majority of the film, i guess they were going to Africa to do some business, by them i mean Billy and his "associates" and by business i mean by land that had uranium in it, i dont know where they got that crazy idea. But in the mean time they are all stuck in Italy i believe it is.. theres these crooks there too, who are Peterson (Robert Morley) Julius O'Hara (Peter Lorre) are good friend Jack Ross, and Ravello i believe his name was. ( Marco Tulli) Of coarse they are up to no good. By far my favorite scene from the movie thought was when Billy and this other guy who's name i don't know, are in the car and the car begins to stall so the driver tells them to get out and push, then jump back on.. So they do, and they are riding for a little bit more then the car begins to do it again, so they get out again and push, but this time they are on a little bit of a hill, so after they are done pushing the car picks up a little too much speed, and the driver (who is a bit on the heavy side) tries to chase after it but he is to slow, so this car is ghost driving itself down this like mountain pass, and it just goes of the edge into the ocean, it was hilarious!! It almost hits this bus full of passengers, who probably thought people died in the accident. After the day passes that it took to fix the ship, they all get on, and head for Africa.But on the way the ship has some troubles.. again..Anyways they have to abandon ship and manage to make it to Africa, in an beach area..The captain of the ship is such a spaz, its funny to watch him go nuts over the ship, when every one else is just like a little bit nervous and still calm..Also there was some sirens i forgot to mention before, on the ship when it was having technical problems, then theres the music when they land on the Africa and are like arrested by the people of the city or town what ever it was..Anyways not gonna ruin the ending, it was a pretty good movie i guess, it had its moments and i like it.. I didn't put me to sleep at least, that counts for something..

Friday, September 21, 2007


A few things i said about the clip, was how Tom Hanks had the whole like messed up face to add dramatization to clip because it made him look really sick.. thats for costumes and make up.
Setting in office, Denzel has all the stuff about his new baby being a girl and wat not.
Tom has a flashback to a scene where he had hair and everything, but not you see him and he looks all sick and has no more hair, and his beard is shaved and looks messy... maybe showing signs of depression because of wat is going on in his life..

Monday, September 17, 2007

Ferris Bueller's Day Off (Journal #1)

(Picture courtesy of Google images)

For My critique the critic journal, I've decided to do an old classic, Ferris Bueller's day of. This is a story about a high school senior, named Ferris who just wants to have a day off school to have fun. Through out the movie, Ferris along with his girl friend Sloane and Cameron basically ditch school to have a day of fun.They go all over the place and like this guy John Nesbit said
serves as a promotional tour guide of Chicago."
The movie is a great classic, because i think a lot of people can relate to it in different ways. For the teenagers we can relate in the form of not liking school and wanting to skip when ever we want, but unfortunately thats easier said then done now days.. It also shows how adults didn't really have that much power over the teens..Well John Nesbit talks about mostly the characters and the way that they were each made for there part. But this is an over all really good movie, and i think the majority of people can agree with me when I say that this is in the top 10 of best movies..I also agree with John's review, i mean when i saw the movie i thought the exact same things, It's a hilarious movie, and it shows a lot of Chicago and how nice of a city it is..In the review I can really tell that John enjoyed the movie just as much as I did. He speaks very well of all the characters and the different traits they had, as well as given us sort of a back ground on the movie, sort of like a preview as to speak. Then he goes on to talk about how Ferris is sort of a therapist for his friend Cameron who he quotes..
so tight that if you stuck a lump of coal up his ass, in two weeks you would have a diamond."

thats a quote which is also used by Ferris in the movie, and i sort of see what he is getting at, Cameron is always worried about everything, mainly because of his parents influence on him, which is sort of why Ferris tries to help get over that.. Theres a not a lot more that I can really say about this film, it just has no flaws. and hopefully this is 500 words, really don't feel like counting, and yes ms Tholen, you should include this part too in the 500 word thing..

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Colombian soccer team, back in the day(93)

this was just a beat down!!!

Video clip from, i now pronounce you chuck and larry.. haha

I pick this clip, because its pretty funny, and it has a few of the elements..
so in the beginning theres that part when he first wakes up, and we get a subjective point of view, cause we are seeing what Chuck is seeing.
Then theres the medium shot, of Dr. Honey.. hahaha.. so heres the clip

Rush Hour 3 Trailer..

This is hilarious!!!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Rush hour 3!!!

Rush hour 3 is by far one of the greatest movies i've seen! it was hilarious!!! I highly recomend it..

Picture courtesy of (google images)